How to choose a filter for cigarettes?

Types and Features.

Choose a right Cigarette Filter

Choose the right Cigarette Filter

I posted an article about cigarette filters –

“The filter in cigarettes is useless”: 2 FACTS TO CLEAN UP THE RUMOR

You can learn why filters are useful and what they are made from.

Today I will go further into this topic (specific to self-rolled cigarettes). What they are, how they differ, and how to choose the filters that are right for your rolling cigarettes.

There is a wide variety of filters, as well as roll-up paper, but they differ mainly in composition and size.

Although self-rolling can be without it, this is not a main option.

So let’s first figure out what it is for and what function it has.

  • The filter serves as a sort of barrier to prevent small tobacco particles from entering the mouth.
  • It also acts as a barrier to prevent the intake of “excess” nicotine and combustion products. (Smoke Filtration)
  • It prevents burns to the lips and fingers.
  • It regulates the strength of the cigarette.
  • It makes the temperature and smoothness of the smoke more comfortable.
  • And it gives the product its shape (Structural Support).

Based on the composition, filters have three types:

  1. Paper Filters

In fact, they act only as a mechanical barrier to prevent tobacco particles from entering the mouth, since they have the lowest degree of smoke purification.

It is a small cylindrical tube made of paper that is designed to be used when rolling your own cigarettes.

The filters are usually inserted into one end of the rolling paper before the tobacco is added and the cigarette is rolled.

Cardboard cigarette filters

Cardboard cigarette filters

Bonus: Special plug wrap papers can be used as the filter. This technology may be applied in both manufactured and self-rolled cigarette filters.

  1. Cellulose acetate

Acetate tow is a common filter commonly used in manufactured cigarettes. They are the next step in smoke purification.

Here’s some information about cellulose acetate filters:

Composition: Cellulose acetate is a type of plastic made from processed natural fibers, primarily derived from wood pulp. The fibers are combined with acetic acid and acetic anhydride to create a material that can be molded and shaped into various forms.

Function: The main purpose of a cellulose acetate filter in a cigarette is to trap and reduce the amount of tar, nicotine, and other harmful chemicals that would otherwise be inhaled by the smoker. As the smoke passes through the filter, some of these particles and compounds become trapped in the filter’s matrix.

Benefits: Cellulose acetate filters can make the smoking experience less harsh by reducing the temperature of the smoke and capturing some of the particulates. This can lead to a perceived milder taste and less irritation.

Cigarette Filter Tow

Cigarette Filter Tow

  1. Charcoal

Such filters contain coal chips, which clean the smoke better than other filters.

Unlike traditional cellulose acetate filters, charcoal filters incorporate activated charcoal into the filter design.

Activated charcoal is a porous form of carbon that has been treated to increase its surface area and adsorption properties.

Some smokers find that charcoal filters provide a smoother and milder smoking experience.



It’s difficult to definitively say which type is better – it’s more a matter of preferences, and the best choice here is to try the three options yourself, as it’s not just about purification.

Depending on the filter, the strength and aroma of the hand-rolled cigarette also vary.

The second criterion by which filters can be categorized is thickness. Depending on thickness, filters are divided into:

  • Standard – 7-8 mm.
  • Slim – 6 mm.
  • Super Slim – 5-5.3 mm.

Also, each of these three groups can also have different lengths:

  • Standard – 15 mm.
  • Extended (Long) – 19 mm.

Speaking of criteria to evaluate filters, there are essentially two:

  • Smoke purification quality, as it’s their main function.
  • Ability to maintain shape while smoking.

Which filters are the best? It’s unlikely that a definitive answer can be given. Everything depends, as mentioned earlier, on personal preferences and the requirements you have.

  • If you want a more intense and strong hand-rolled cigarette, a paper filter will work well.
  • For those who prefer a stronger taste, a thicker filter is recommended as it increases the tobacco burning area. Consequently, one puff will be stronger with a conventional filter compared to a slim one.
  • 8mm acetate filters are excellent for those who want strong and flavorful drags.
  • Charcoal filters, on the one hand, are more suitable for heavy and frequent smokers since they offer better purification. However, they also alter the natural tobacco aroma, and the better a filter purifies, the less nicotine reaches your body.
  • Filters with a thickness of 6mm and 5mm are for those who don’t enjoy strong drags. Moreover, the distinctive feature of these filters is that their smaller size allows you to save tobacco. It might be a small detail, but it’s pleasant. Especially when every gram of tobacco counts.
  • Extended filters are not only a great option for those who smoke the latter half of a cigarette, but also offer savings. Plus, when the cigarette is finished, the charcoal won’t burn your fingers.

Anyway, high customization and personalization are features of self-rolling cigarettes. The filters also show this characteristic.

More options mean more tastes and, of course, more spending.

Leave a message if you want to share some ideas about cigarette filters.

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